Source code for pyNAVIS.splitters

##                                                                             ##
##    Copyright C 2018  Juan P. Dominguez-Morales                              ##
##                                                                             ##
##    This file is part of pyNAVIS.                                            ##
##                                                                             ##
##    pyNAVIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          ##
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##    (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                             ##
##    pyNAVIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               ##
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##    GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                             ##
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##    along with pyNAVIS.  If not, see <>.         ##
##                                                                             ##

import copy
import random
import numpy as np
import time
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right

from .functions import Functions
from .savers import Savers
from .utils import Utils
from .loaders import SpikesFile

[docs]class Splitters:
[docs] @staticmethod def manual_splitter(spikes_file, settings, init, end = -1, return_save_both = 0, output_format = '.aedat', path=None): """ Extract a portion of the input SpikesFile file. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): Input file. init (int): First timestamp from which to start extracting. end (int): Last timestamp from which to stop extracting. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the input file. return_save_both (int, optional): Set it to 0 to return the resultant SpikesFile, to 1 to save the SpikesFile in the output path, and to 2 to do both. output_format (string, optional): Output format of the file. Currently supports '.aedat', '.csv', ".txt" and ".txt_rel". See the Savers class for more information. path (string, optional): Path where the output file will be saved. Format should not be specified. Not needed if return_save_both is set to 0. Returns: SpikesFile: SpikesFile containing the extracted portion of the input file. Returned only if return_save_both is either 0 or 2. """ #THIS IS NOT NEEDED IF TS ARE SORTED aedat_addr_ts = list(zip(spikes_file.addresses, spikes_file.timestamps)) aedat_addr_ts = sorted(aedat_addr_ts, key=Utils.getKey) spikes_file_new = copy.deepcopy(spikes_file) spikes_file_new = Utils.extract_addr_and_ts(aedat_addr_ts) if end == -1: end = np.max(spikes_file.timestamps) a = bisect_left(spikes_file_new.timestamps, init) b = bisect_right(spikes_file_new.timestamps, end) spikes_file_new.addresses = spikes_file_new.addresses[a:b] spikes_file_new.timestamps = spikes_file_new.timestamps[a:b] if settings.reset_timestamp == True: minimum_ts = min(spikes_file_new.timestamps) spikes_file_new.timestamps = [(x - minimum_ts) for x in spikes_file_new.timestamps] if return_save_both == 0: return spikes_file_new elif return_save_both == 1 or return_save_both == 2: Savers.save_as_any(spikes_file_new, path=path, output_format=output_format, settings=settings) if return_save_both == 2: return spikes_file_new
[docs] @staticmethod def segmenter_RT(spikes_file, noise_threshold, bin_width, return_save_both = 0, output_format = '.aedat', path=None, settings = None, verbose = False): """ Removes background noise. A FIFO of size noise_threshold will be filling up with every spike. If the timestamp difference between the \ first and the last spike in the FIFO is lower or equal than bin_width, then the most recent spike is saved. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): Input file. noise_threshold (int): Size of the FIFO. bin_width (int): Time difference (in ms). return_save_both (int, optional): Set it to 0 to return the resultant SpikesFile, to 1 to save the SpikesFile in the output path, and to 2 to do both. output_format (string, optional): Output format of the file. Currently supports '.aedat', '.csv', ".txt" and ".txt_rel". See the Savers class for more information. path (string, optional): Path where the output file will be saved. Format should not be specified. Not needed if return_save_both is set to 0. settings (MainSettings, optional): Configuration parameters for the output file. Only needed when saving the output as an AEDAT file. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: SpikesFile: SpikesFile containing the processed input file. Returned only if return_save_both is either 0 or 2. """ current_ts = 0 # Timestamp of the current spike that it's being processed. spikes_processed = 0 # Number of spikes processed. Used to avoid saving spikes before the FIFO has filled completely. buffer_ts = np.zeros(int(noise_threshold)) # FIFO. spikes_filtered = SpikesFile([], []) # SpikesFile where the output will be saved. if verbose == True: start_time = time.time() for i in range(len(spikes_file.timestamps)): current_ts = spikes_file.timestamps[i] current_addr = spikes_file.addresses[i] buffer_ts = np.roll(buffer_ts, -1) # Shifting the information of the FIFO. buffer_ts[-1] = current_ts spikes_processed +=1 if ((current_ts - buffer_ts[0]) <= bin_width * 1000) and (spikes_processed >= noise_threshold): spikes_filtered.addresses.append(current_addr) spikes_filtered.timestamps.append(current_ts) if verbose == True: print('SEGMENTER_RT CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) if return_save_both == 0: return spikes_filtered elif return_save_both == 1 or return_save_both == 2: Savers.save_as_any(spikes_filtered, path=path, output_format=output_format) if return_save_both == 2: return spikes_filtered
[docs] @staticmethod def automatic_splitter(spikes_file, noise_threshold, bin_width, path, settings, output_format = '.aedat'): """ Generate a set of files from the one received as input based on the silences in between words/sounds. This function uses segmenter_RT. NOTE: more tests needed to confirm that it works in any case. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): Input file. noise_threshold (int): Size of the FIFO. bin_width (int): Time difference (in ms). path (string): Path where the output files will be saved. Format should not be specified. settings (MainSettings, optional): Configuration parameters for the output file. Only needed when saving the output as an AEDAT file. output_format (string, optional): Output format of the file. Currently supports '.aedat', '.csv', ".txt" and ".txt_rel". See the Savers class for more information. Returns: None. """ number_of_splits_generated = 0 index_previous_split = 0 new_spikes_file = SpikesFile([], []) spikes_filtered = segmenter_RT(spikes_file,noise_threshold, bin_width, return_save_both = 0) for i in range(1, len(spikes_filtered.timestamps)): if spikes_filtered.timestamps[i] - spikes_filtered.timestamps[i-1] >= bin_width: new_spikes_file.addresses = spikes_filtered.addresses[index_previous_split:i] new_spikes_file.timestamps = spikes_filtered.timestamps[index_previous_split:i] index_previous_split = i number_of_splits_generated += 1 Savers.save_as_any(new_spikes_file, os.join(path, "split") + str(number_of_splits_generated), output_format, settings)