
An interesting functionality that is supported in this software package is the phaselock operation.

The phaselock operation puts a spike in the output only when the spike train from a specific channel changes from ON (positive part of the signal) to OFF (negative part of the signal). This heavily reduces the number of spikes at the output.


This functionality can only be used in files that have two addresses per channel (ON and OFF). The settings should also match this (on_off_both has to be equal to 1).

See the following example:

from pyNAVIS import *

settings = MainSettings(num_channels=64, mono_stereo=0, on_off_both=1, address_size=2, ts_tick=0.2, bin_size=10000)
spikes_info = Loaders.loadAEDAT('path/to/file/name.aedat', settings)
spikes_file_adapted = Functions.adapt_SpikesFile(spikes_info, settings)

phaselocked_file = Functions.phase_lock(spikes_file_adapted, settings)


If you want to plot the output, the settings should be changed before plotting, since the phaselock operation fuses ON and OFF addresses into only one (on_off_both should be set to 0).