Source code for pyNAVIS.plots

##                                                                             ##
##    Copyright C 2018  Juan P. Dominguez-Morales                              ##
##                                                                             ##
##    This file is part of pyNAVIS.                                            ##
##                                                                             ##
##    pyNAVIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          ##
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     ##
##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        ##
##    (at your option) any later version.                                      ##
##                                                                             ##
##    pyNAVIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               ##
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           ##
##    GNU General Public License for more details.                             ##
##                                                                             ##
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        ##
##    along with pyNAVIS.  If not, see <>.         ##
##                                                                             ##

import math
import random
import time
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from .functions import Functions

[docs]class Plots:
[docs] @staticmethod def spikegram(spikes_file, settings, dot_size=0.2, dot_freq=1, graph_title='Spikegram', start_at_zero=True, verbose=False): """ Plots the spikegram (also known as cochleogram or raster plot) of a SpikesFile. This is, a graph where the X axis means time and the Y axis represents addresses (or cochlea channels), and where every spike is plotted as a dot. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): File to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. dot_size (float): Size of the dots used in the spikegram plot. dot_freq (int): Set the frequency of spikes that will be represented in the spikegram. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. start_at_zero (boolean, optional): If set to True, the X axis will start at 0, instead of starting at the minimum timestamp. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: None. Note: A value of 10 in dot_freq means that for every 10 spikes, only 1 will be plotted. This helps reducing lag when plotting heavy files. """ if verbose: start_time = time.time() # REPRESENTATION'seaborn-whitegrid') spk_fig = plt.figure() spk_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) random.seed(0) mid_address = settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) if start_at_zero and spikes_file.min_ts != 0: Functions.adapt_timestamps(spikes_file, settings) if settings.mono_stereo == 0: plt.scatter(spikes_file.timestamps[0::dot_freq], spikes_file.addresses[0::dot_freq], s=dot_size, rasterized=True) else: # Convert to numpy arrays addresses = np.array(spikes_file.addresses, copy=False) timestamps = np.array(spikes_file.timestamps, copy=False) sup_indexes = np.argwhere(addresses >= mid_address) sup_addresses = addresses[sup_indexes] sup_addresses = sup_addresses[::dot_freq] sup_timestamps = timestamps[sup_indexes] sup_timestamps = sup_timestamps[::dot_freq] inf_addresses = np.delete(addresses, sup_indexes) inf_addresses = inf_addresses[::dot_freq] inf_timestamps = np.delete(timestamps, sup_indexes) inf_timestamps = inf_timestamps[::dot_freq] plt.scatter(inf_timestamps, inf_addresses, s=dot_size, label="Left cochlea", rasterized=True) plt.scatter(sup_timestamps, sup_addresses, s=dot_size, label="Right cochlea", rasterized=True) plt.legend(fancybox=False, ncol=2, loc='upper center', markerscale=2 / dot_size, frameon=True) if verbose: print('SPIKEGRAM CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') plt.xlabel('Timestamp ($\mu$s)', fontsize='large') plt.xlim([spikes_file.min_ts, spikes_file.max_ts]) plt.ylabel('Address', fontsize='large') plt.ylim([0, mid_address * (settings.mono_stereo + 1)]) plt.tight_layout() return spk_fig
[docs] @staticmethod def sonogram(spikes_file, settings, return_data=False, graph_title='Sonogram', start_at_zero=True, verbose=False): """ Plots the sonogram of a SpikesFile. This is, a graph where the X axis means time and the Y axis represents addresses (or cochlea channels), and where the spiking activity is shown with color. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): File to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. return_data (boolean, optional): When set to True, the sonogram matrix will be returned instead of plotted. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. start_at_zero (boolean, optional): If set to True, the X axis will start at 0, instead of starting at the minimum timestamp. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: int[ , ]: Sonogram matrix. Only returned if return_data is set to True. """ if verbose: start_time = time.time() # In range timestamps if start_at_zero and spikes_file.min_ts != 0: Functions.adapt_timestamps(spikes_file, settings) total_time = spikes_file.max_ts - spikes_file.min_ts last_time = spikes_file.min_ts # Calculate number of addresses and number of windows num_addresses = settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) * (settings.mono_stereo + 1) num_windows = int(math.ceil(total_time / settings.bin_size)) # Define sonogram array sonogram = np.zeros((num_addresses, num_windows)) # Bincount for i in range(num_windows): a = bisect_left(spikes_file.timestamps, last_time) b = bisect_right(spikes_file.timestamps, last_time + settings.bin_size) blockAddr = spikes_file.addresses[a:b] spikes = np.bincount(blockAddr, minlength=num_addresses) last_time += settings.bin_size sonogram[:, i] = spikes if verbose: print('SONOGRAM CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) if not return_data: # REPRESENTATION'default') sng_fig = plt.figure() sng_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) plt.imshow(sonogram, aspect="auto", cmap='hot', rasterized=True) # , aspect="auto") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('Bin (' + str(settings.bin_size) + '$\mu$s width)', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Address', fontsize='large') plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') """ plt.annotate('Right cochlea | Left cochlea', xy=(1.00, 0.5), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) """ if settings.mono_stereo == 1: plt.annotate('Right cochlea', xy=(1.00, 0.75), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) plt.annotate('Left cochlea', xy=(1.00, 0.25), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('No. of spikes', rotation=270, fontsize='large', labelpad=10) return sng_fig else: return sonogram
[docs] @staticmethod def histogram(spikes_file, settings, bar_line=1, graph_title='Histogram', verbose=False): """ Plots the histogram of a SpikesFile. This is, a graph where addresses (or cochlea channels) are represented in the X axis, and number of spikes in the Y axis. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): File to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. bar_line (int, optional): Select wether to plot the histogram as bar plot (0) or as a line graph (1). graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: int[]: Histogram array. """ start_time = time.time() spikes_count = np.bincount(spikes_file.addresses, minlength=settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) * (settings.mono_stereo + 1)) if verbose: print('HISTOGRAM CALCULATION:', time.time() - start_time)'seaborn-whitegrid') hst_fig = plt.figure() hst_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') plt.xlabel('Address', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('No. of spikes', fontsize='large') if bar_line == 0: if settings.mono_stereo == 1: * (settings.on_off_both + 1)), spikes_count[0:settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1)], rasterized=True) * (settings.on_off_both + 1)), spikes_count[settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1):settings.num_channels * 2 * (settings.on_off_both + 1)], rasterized=True) else: * (settings.on_off_both + 1) * (settings.mono_stereo + 1)), spikes_count, rasterized=True) else: if settings.mono_stereo == 1: plt.plot(np.arange(settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1)), spikes_count[0:settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1)], label='Left cochlea', rasterized=True) plt.plot(np.arange(settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1)), spikes_count[settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1):settings.num_channels * 2 * (settings.on_off_both + 1)], label='Right cochlea', rasterized=True) plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=True) else: plt.plot(np.arange(settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) * (settings.mono_stereo + 1)), spikes_count, rasterized=True) plt.tight_layout() return spikes_count, hst_fig
[docs] @staticmethod def average_activity(spikes_file, settings, graph_title='Average activity', verbose=False): """ Plots the average activity plot of a SpikesFile. This is, a graph where time is represented in the X axis, and average number of spikes in the Y axis. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): File to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: int[ ] average_activity_L: Average activity array. int[ ] average_activity_R: Average activity array. Only returned if the mono_stereo parameter in settings is set to 1 """ # Convert to numpy array addresses = np.array(spikes_file.addresses, copy=False) timestamps = np.array(spikes_file.timestamps, copy=False) # Define plot variables total_time = spikes_file.max_ts - spikes_file.min_ts mid_address = settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) num_bins = int(math.ceil(total_time / settings.bin_size)) average_activity_L = np.zeros(num_bins) if settings.mono_stereo == 1: average_activity_R = np.zeros(num_bins) if verbose: start_time = time.time() # Array of bins bins = np.arange(num_bins) * settings.bin_size # Calculate the bin associated with each timestamp bins_indexes = np.digitize(timestamps, bins) # Cutting indexes (timestamps must be sorted) cut_indexes = np.where(np.diff(bins_indexes) > 0)[0] # Split timestamps by cutting indexes spikes_per_bins = np.array_split(addresses, cut_indexes) # Calculate the number of spikes in the bins for i in range(len(spikes_per_bins)): count_below = np.count_nonzero(spikes_per_bins[i] < mid_address) average_activity_L[i] = count_below if settings.mono_stereo == 1: average_activity_R[i] = len(spikes_per_bins[i]) - count_below if verbose: print('AVERAGE ACTIVITY CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time)'seaborn-whitegrid') avg_fig = plt.figure() avg_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') plt.xlabel('Bin (' + str(settings.bin_size) + '$\mu$s width)', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('No. of spikes', fontsize='large') plt.plot(bins / settings.bin_size, average_activity_L, label='Left cochlea', rasterized=True) if settings.mono_stereo == 1: plt.plot(bins / settings.bin_size, average_activity_R, label='Right cochlea') plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=2, frameon=True) plt.tight_layout() if settings.mono_stereo == 0: return average_activity_L, avg_fig else: return average_activity_L, average_activity_R, avg_fig
[docs] @staticmethod def difference_between_LR(spikes_file, settings, return_data=False, graph_title='Diff. between L and R cochlea', verbose=False, start_at_zero=True): """ Plots a plot showing the differente between the left and the right activity of a SpikesFile. Parameters: spikes_file (SpikesFile): File to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. return_data (boolean, optional): When set to True, the sonogram matrix will be returned instead of plotted. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. start_at_zero (boolean, optional): If set to True, the X axis will start at 0, instead of starting at the minimum timestamp. Returns: int[ , ]: Disparity matrix. Only returned if return_data is set to True. Raises: SettingsError: if settings.mono_stereo == 0 Note: This function can only be called if the mono_stereo parameter in settings is set to 1. """ if settings.mono_stereo == 1: if verbose: start_time = time.time() # In range timestamps if start_at_zero and spikes_file.min_ts != 0: Functions.adapt_timestamps(spikes_file, settings) total_time = spikes_file.max_ts - spikes_file.min_ts last_time = spikes_file.min_ts # Calculate number of addresses and number of windows num_addresses = settings.num_channels * (settings.on_off_both + 1) * (settings.mono_stereo + 1) mid_address = round(num_addresses / 2) num_windows = int(math.ceil(total_time / settings.bin_size)) # Define diff array and partial arrays diff = np.zeros((round(num_addresses / 2), num_windows)) if verbose: start_time = time.time() for i in range(num_windows): a = bisect_left(spikes_file.timestamps, last_time) b = bisect_right(spikes_file.timestamps, last_time + settings.bin_size) blockAddr = spikes_file.addresses[a:b] spikes = np.bincount(blockAddr, minlength=num_addresses) diff[:, i] = spikes[0:mid_address] - spikes[mid_address:num_addresses] last_time += settings.bin_size if verbose: print('DIFF CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) max_abs = np.max(abs(diff)) if max_abs != 0: diff = diff * 100 / max_abs if not return_data: # REPRESENTATION'default') dlr_fig = plt.figure() dlr_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) # cmap = 'RdBu' colors = [(1, 0.49803921568627450980392156862745, 0.05490196078431372549019607843137), (1, 1, 1), ( 0.12156862745098039215686274509804, 0.46666666666666666666666666666667, 0.70588235294117647058823529411765)] # R -> G -> B n_bins = [3, 6, 10, 100] # Discretizes the interpolation into bins cmap_name = 'my_list' cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(cmap_name, colors, N=100) plt.imshow(diff, vmin=-100, vmax=100, aspect="auto", cmap=cm, rasterized=True) # , aspect="auto") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('Bin (' + str(settings.bin_size) + '$\mu$s width)', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Address', fontsize='large') plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') colorbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=[100, 50, 0, -50, -100], orientation='horizontal') colorbar.set_label('Cochlea predominance', rotation=0, fontsize='large', labelpad=10)['100% L\nCochlea', '50%', '0%\nL==R', '50%', '100% R\nCochlea']) return dlr_fig else: return diff else: # print("This functionality is only available for stereo AEDAT files.") print("[Plots.difference_between_LR] > SettingsError: This functionality is only available for stereo files.")
[docs] @staticmethod def mso_heatmap(localization_file, localization_settings, graph_title="MSO heatmap", enable_colorbar=True, verbose=False): """ Plots the heatmap for the MSO activity extracted from a LocalizationFile. This is, a graph where the X axis means the neuron ID, the Y axis means the frequency channel to which the MSO neuron's population are connected, and the color means the activity. Parameters: localization_file (LocalizationFile): Localization file to plot. localization_settings (LocalizationSettings): Localization configuration parameters for the file to plot. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. enable_colorbar (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want to show the color bar that indicates the activity range by colors. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: None. Note: None. """ if verbose == True: start_time = time.time() # Get the number of frequency channels set in the configuration mso_number_freq_ch = localization_settings.mso_end_channel - localization_settings.mso_start_channel + 1 # Create the activity matrix mso_activity = np.zeros((mso_number_freq_ch, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel)) num_mso_events = len(localization_file.mso_timestamps) for i in range(0, num_mso_events): # Move the frequency channel from the relative range to an absolute range starting at zero freq_channel = localization_file.mso_channels[i] - localization_settings.mso_start_channel neuron_id = localization_file.mso_neuron_ids[i] # Accumulate the activity for each neuron for each frequency channel according to the LocalizationFIle mso_activity[freq_channel][neuron_id] = mso_activity[freq_channel][neuron_id] + 1 if verbose == True: print('MSO HEATMAP CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) # Generate the labels lists freq_channel_labels = [] for i in range(localization_settings.mso_start_channel, localization_settings.mso_end_channel + 1): freq_channel_labels.append(str(i)) neuron_id_labels = [] for i in range(0, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel): neuron_id_labels.append(str(i)) # REPRESENTATION'seaborn-ticks') htmap_fig, htmap_ax = plt.subplots() htmap_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) # Create the heatmap image htmap_im = plt.imshow(mso_activity, cmap='viridis') if enable_colorbar == True: colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('No. of spikes', rotation=270, fontsize='large', labelpad=10) # Set the ticks htmap_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(neuron_id_labels))) htmap_ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(freq_channel_labels))) # And set all the ticks' labels htmap_ax.set_xticklabels(neuron_id_labels) htmap_ax.set_yticklabels(freq_channel_labels) htmap_ax.set_xlabel('Neuron ID', fontsize='large') htmap_ax.set_ylabel('Freq. channel', fontsize='large') # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(htmap_ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. for i in range(len(freq_channel_labels)): for j in range(len(neuron_id_labels)): text = htmap_ax.text(j, i, mso_activity[i, j], ha="center", va="center", color="w", fontsize='xx-small') plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') plt.tight_layout()
[docs] @staticmethod def mso_spikegram(localization_file, settings, localization_settings, dot_size=0.2, graph_title='MSO spikegram', verbose=False): """ Plots the 3D spikegram (also known as raster plot) of the MSO information contained in a LocalizationFile. This is, a graph where the X axis represents neuron IDs, the Y axis means time, and the Z axis represents the frequency channels of the cochlea, and where every spike is plotted as a dot. Parameters: localization_file (LocalizationFile): Localization file to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. localization_settings (LocalizationSettings): Localization configuration parameters for the file to plot. dot_size (float): Size of the dots used in the spikegram plot. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: None. Note: None. """ if verbose == True: start_time = time.time() # REPRESENTATION'seaborn-whitegrid') msospk_fig = plt.figure() ax = msospk_fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') msospk_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) # Plot all the spikes stored in the localization_file ax.scatter(localization_file.mso_neuron_ids, localization_file.mso_timestamps, localization_file.mso_channels, s=dot_size) if verbose == True: print('MSO SPIKEGRAM CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') # Set the label of each axis ax.set_xlabel('Neuron ID', fontsize='large') ax.set_ylabel('Timestamp ($\mu$s)', fontsize='large') ax.set_zlabel('Freq. channel', fontsize='large') # Set the axis' limits for each axis according to the LocalizationSettings parameters ax.set_xlim([0, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel]) ax.set_ylim([0, localization_file.mso_timestamps[-1]]) ax.set_zlim([0, settings.num_channels]) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] @staticmethod def mso_localization_plot(localization_file, settings, localization_settings, graph_title="MSO localization estimation", start_at_zero=True, verbose=False): """ Plots the result of the coincidence counters of the Jeffress model for the MSO according to the activity in the LocalizationFile. This is, the neuron that fired the most in a time bin, thus indicating the sound source position. Parameters: localization_file (LocalizationFile): Localization file to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. localization_settings (LocalizationSettings): Localization configuration parameters for the file to plot. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. start_at_zero (boolean, optional): If set to True, the X axis will start at 0, instead of starting at the minimum timestamp. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: None. Note: None. """ if verbose == True: start_time = time.time() last_time = 0 # Set the timestamps limits according to start_at_zero option if start_at_zero: total_time = max(localization_file.mso_timestamps) last_time = 0 else: total_time = max(localization_file.mso_timestamps) - min(localization_file.mso_timestamps) last_time = min(localization_file.mso_timestamps) # Estimate the number of time bins its = int(math.ceil(total_time / settings.bin_size)) # Create the activity array mso_activity = np.zeros((its, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel)) mso_max_activity = np.zeros(its) # For each time bin, calculate the activity of all the MSO neurons and get the winner for i in range(0, its): a = bisect_left(localization_file.mso_timestamps, last_time) b = bisect_right(localization_file.mso_timestamps, last_time + settings.bin_size) blockNeuronIDs = localization_file.mso_neuron_ids[a:b] spikes = np.bincount(blockNeuronIDs, minlength=localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel) last_time += settings.bin_size mso_activity[i, :] = spikes index_max_activity = np.argmax(mso_activity[i]) mso_max_activity[i] = index_max_activity if verbose == True: print('MSO_LOCALIZATION PLOT CALCULATION', time.time() - start_time) # Set the figure'seaborn-whitegrid') mso_loc_fig = plt.figure() mso_loc_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large') plt.xlabel('Bin (' + str(settings.bin_size) + '$\mu$s width)', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Position (in degrees)', fontsize='large') plt.ylim([-1, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel + 1]) yticklabels = [] angle_slot = 180.0 / localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel for slot_index in range(0, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel): middle_angle = (slot_index * angle_slot) - 90.0 + (angle_slot / 2.0) yticklabels.append(str(int(abs(middle_angle)))) plt.yticks(ticks=np.arange(localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel), labels=yticklabels, fontsize='small') plt.plot(np.arange(math.ceil(total_time / settings.bin_size)), mso_max_activity, label='Position estimation') # Add some text to clarify the results plt.annotate('Left side', xy=(1.00, 0.85), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) plt.annotate('Centre', xy=(1.00, 0.50), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) plt.annotate('Right side', xy=(1.00, 0.15), xytext=(5, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'axes fraction'), textcoords='offset points', size=11, ha='center', va='center', rotation=270) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] @staticmethod def mso_histogram(localization_file, settings, localization_settings, graph_title='MSO histogram', verbose=False): """ Plots the 3D histogram of the MSO information contained in a LocalizationFile. This is, a graph where neuron IDs are represented in the X axis, frequency channels are represented in the Y axis, and number of spikes in the Z axis. Parameters: localization_file (LocalizationFile): Localization file to plot. settings (MainSettings): Configuration parameters for the file to plot. localization_settings (LocalizationSettings): Localization configuration parameters for the file to plot. graph_title (string, optional): Text that will appear as title for the graph. verbose (boolean, optional): Set to True if you want the execution time of the function to be printed. Returns: None. Note: None. """ start_time = time.time() # Set the total number of frequency channels mso_number_freq_ch = localization_settings.mso_end_channel - localization_settings.mso_start_channel + 1 # Create the activity matrix mso_activity = np.zeros((mso_number_freq_ch, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel)) num_mso_events = len(localization_file.mso_timestamps) # Calculate the total number of events for each frequency channel and for each neuron ID for i in range(0, num_mso_events): freq_channel = localization_file.mso_channels[i] - localization_settings.mso_start_channel neuron_id = localization_file.mso_neuron_ids[i] # Accumulate the activity for each neuron for each frequency channel according to the LocalizationFIle mso_activity[freq_channel][neuron_id] = mso_activity[freq_channel][neuron_id] + 1 if verbose == True: print('MSO HISTOGRAM CALCULATION:', time.time() - start_time) # Representation'seaborn-whitegrid') mso_hst_fig = plt.figure() ax = mso_hst_fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Set the data to show _x = np.arange(localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel) _y = np.arange(mso_number_freq_ch) _xx, _yy = np.meshgrid(_x, _y) x, y = _xx.ravel(), _yy.ravel() z = mso_activity.ravel() top = z bottom = np.zeros_like(top) width = depth = 1 ax.bar3d(x, y, bottom, width - 0.25, depth - 0.5, top, shade=True) ax.set_title('Shaded') # Set the axes' limits ax.set_xlim3d(0, localization_settings.mso_num_neurons_channel) ax.set_ylim3d(0, mso_number_freq_ch) ax.set_zlim3d(0, np.amax(z)) # Set the axes' labels ax.set_xlabel('Neuron ID', fontsize='large') ax.set_ylabel('Freq. channel', fontsize='large') ax.set_zlabel('No. of spikes', fontsize='large') # Generate the labels lists freq_channel_labels = [] for i in range(localization_settings.mso_start_channel, localization_settings.mso_end_channel + 1): freq_channel_labels.append(str(i)) # Set all the ticks ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(freq_channel_labels))) # And all the ticks' labels ax.set_yticklabels(freq_channel_labels) mso_hst_fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(graph_title) plt.title(graph_title, fontsize='x-large')